Short video about the life of the church and upcoming events. Watch to see what happened last service and what will happen in the future. Mark it on your calendar and join us! (Russian Language)
The basics of any Christian can be traced back to when the Bigfoot was first located, on the pages of the Bible. Oh you didn’t know? YES! he was a christian! check it for yourself. The evidence is pretty convincing. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @Taras_Chernyy
What is it that we are missing in our relationship with God? If we have all the keys and the steps of how to better our relationship with Him then why are we not rewarded publicly? Jesus reveals the secrets of his relationship in Matthew chapter 6.
The first chapter of the book of John clearly tells us that the Word of God, that is Christ, was manifested in reality. In other words the Word of God has eyes, ears, hands, and feet, which makes Him real in our life. The word of God need to dissolve inside of us to the
Just like in the days of David and Goliath christians are being faced with a challenging question, Where is your God? or more specific, where are the signs and wonders Jesus spoke about saying, “you will do greater miracles then these”? Can we blame the world for not believing in God? I can’t. However, I
The conference has come to an end. Our church hosts such an event annually, every spring at the beginning of March. Some might dare to say it gets repetitive and monotonous, just to place a mark on the calendar… And it would be so, if every year the lives of people would not be transformed
We often get used to so many good things in our life that we do not value them until we lose them. While we use all these good things it does not even cross our mind to thank the Creator for the little things that make up our life. We do not notice them because
Then I saw that wisdom excels folly As light excels darkness. (Ecclesiastes 2:13) You might say: “Well this is obvious.” That’s right – foolishness does not compare with wisdom. Participation with foolishness is ridicule but greatness follows wisdom. Also, it is clear that, extra words are not necessary to say that it is better to
A life of a teenager is simple and carefree. From age 13 to 19, are the easiest and happiest years of a person’s life: no problems, no doubts, the future is crystal clear. All girls are confident that they are the most beautiful creations, without a single blemish. More so, all her friends take notice
Dear church! The time of the 24/7 Prayer and the search for God has come. Arm yourselves with the Bible, other spiritual literature, and come join us at the prayer! Every evening we have a corporate service of worship at 7pm and it will all continue until October 13; the doors of the church will
This past weekend, September 22-24th, “Melchizedek” Church celebrated their 12th anniversary. The celebration kicked off with a great surprise, a visit of the father of faith, Abraham. Of course, some viewers who personally knew the Patriarch, easily recognized him as the pastor, Sergey Rotar, and the priest who came out to greet him, Melchizedek, to
I am writing this post with great joy. The media team congratulates every one of you with the 12th anniversary! We are excited to present to you the new and improved design of the site. Enjoy it and continue your growth in God! And feel free to send us your greetings and feedback. P.S. Some
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Telephone: 916.975.2535
Fax: 916.975.2536
9707 Cook Riolo Rd, Roseville CA 95747
Office Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri (10am-6pm)
Sunday Services:
9:30am (English Service)
11:30am (Russian Service)
7:00pm (Youth Service)