Admin, 19 Sep 2011
Pastor, you preached about God’s goodness and mercy and that He has no malevolence. You said that good and evil cannot both come from Him. But didn’t He destroy everything living on earth with a flood and sent fire on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Why did it happen, if He is a loving and forgiving God?
Pastor’s Answer:
Every person, good and caring, cleans their house from trash and destroys ants and flies that are so undesirable. By getting rid of the bad, he doesn’t destroy the good, but confirms it. Same with God, being good, from time to time he cleans our house “Earth”, and it doesn’t belittle his goodness but exalts his care. But he is good even to sinners, and every morning lets the sun rise even above the ungrateful and hateful people.
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