Admin, 07 Sep 2011
What is your position for the question of a second marriage for Christians?
1. According to the world, they divorced even though they were Orthodox and did hear about the laws.
2. For example, two Pentecostals separated because of the hardest reason (adultery).
Pastor’s Answer:
There are certain rules about a second marriage by the Bible, however, the situation must be looked at individually.
Option #1: If the separation occurred without Christ and one of the sides is already legally married, then we have no right to destroy that existing family to try and restore the previous marriage (the answer does not lay in the reasons of the divorce).
Option #2: If the couple separated because of adultery and they do not desire to restore the family, then the person who did not commit the adultery in this situation has every legal right to a second marriage. Blessings to you. Always think about the final result…
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