Pastor, you preached about God’s goodness and mercy and that He has no malevolence. You said that good and evil cannot both come from Him. But didn’t He destroy everything living on earth with a flood and sent fire on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Why did it happen, if He is a loving
What is your position for the question of a second marriage for Christians? Options: 1. According to the world, they divorced even though they were Orthodox and did hear about the laws. 2. For example, two Pentecostals separated because of the hardest reason (adultery). Pastor’s Answer: There are certain rules about a second marriage by
Why are people afraid of personal contact with Mormons? (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) We shouldn’t be afraid of contact with Mormons. But we should avoid any false doctrine that destroys our faith or has negative influence in our life. The bible says, “Evil company corrupts good character” and “Anyone who runs
Is it a sin to drink non-alcoholic beer for a minister? Pastor’s Answer: It is not a sin to drink any non-alcoholic beverage that does not bring harm to your health, but everything depends on the motive of your heart. I personally would not recommend drinking non-alcoholic beer, just because it has the label of
In 1 John 5:16-17, it talks about committing a sin that leads to death and sin that does not lead to death. How do you understand this Scripture? What is the sin that does not lead to death?In 1 John 5:16-17, it talks about committing a sin that leads to death and sin that does
My husband and I had a hard time in our lives, and the Lord spoke into my heart for us to do Communion at home, which we did. This became known to our pastor and he told us that we were in danger of being excluded from our church membership. However, because we did not
<p><em>Should I get water baptized? How important is it in life? Why did Jesus get baptized in water?</em></p> <p>1. When we get water baptism, we die to our old life, and resurrect to a new life in Christ Jesus. It is also a covenant to serve God with a clean conscience. (Acts 2:37-42, Mark 16:16,
Бог дал мне ведение о наборе группы 12 и показал конкретных людей. Только потом я узнал, что есть целое большое движение G-12. Я понял, что Вы тоже двигаетесь в системе G-12? Расскажите о том, как Бог вел Вас к этому. Ответ пастора: Ведение G-12, я верю, является последним огромным откровением ученичества и структуры служения Церкви
Some time ago, my husband and I came back from encounter. Right away, we noticed positive changes, but recently I have noticed that my husband’s behavior returned to former ways. He is constantly nagging me; even the way I dress doesn’t satisfy him. What should I do? Pastor’s Answer: Every family is a mystery, and
give vows, oaths, confessed to ministers, tried to control my eyes and thoughts, it usually only lasts 3-5 weeks, and then I fail. Marriage is not an option for me right now, since I’m still a student. I am planning to leave the church and abandon the ministry because I don’t want to bring a
Since the moment that sin was committed in the Garden of Eden, man has wanted a transformation in his destiny. From that very minute when Adam and Eve sinned, people have dreamed of a better, more perfect condition, on the inside we feel that we have lost something important and meaningful. I will not get
What is “suggestive treatment from alcoholism” from the perspective of the spiritual world? I don’t understand much about medical encoding for treatment, but know for sure that they affect a person’s freedom. I believe in deliverance through Jesus Christ. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36 NIV) If you
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Sunday Services:
9:30am (English Service)
11:30am (Russian Service)
7:00pm (Youth Service)